Radog Whites
2006 Radog Gewurztraminer Monterey County This is a nice juicy white with some classic Gewurz charm and spiciness. They is some bright citrus and apricots that shine through here and…
Grapelive November Musings
It’s Fall, The Joyous Time of New Releases! This change of season brings the end of harvest and the time of year for new releases, so it is a thankful…
Guten Tag! Here are German Pinot Noirs that are darn good!
2005 Domaine Assmannshausen Staatsweinguter Kloster Eberbach (Pinot Noir) Spatburgunder Spatlese Trocken “Assmannshauser Hollenberg” Rheingau Everything about this Pinot Noir is lovely and vibrant, well except the label and trying to…
Grapelive’s Hot Picks
2001 Mastrojani Brunello di Montalcino, Tuscany, Italy This is a beautiful and pure Brunello that is both clean and old world charming, proving this is one place where you can…
Latest Reviews, Weekly Picks
2005 La Spinetta Barbera D’ Asti Ca Di Pian, Piedmonte, Italy I am a hopeless fan of this producer, I feel they might be the overall best winery in Piedmonte!…
Reviews & News Oct. 2007
I’m back from exploring Russia Okay, so the wine sucked, but Russia was awesome and the beer and vodka made up for the disappointment with the wine. I tried an…
Octoberfest & Halloween
The Beergeek crew and Grapelive share a holiday brew, proving Wine & Beer can get along! – Happy Halloween and Octoberfest 2007 She is really a Riesling fiend, but she…
Parsonage 2005 Releases
2005 Parsonage Merlot Estate Carmel Valley This is the breakthrough vintage for the Parsonage estate Merlot and maybe the dark horse of the vintage! I was impressed with the dark…
Grapelive Picks Fun and Local Wines For Ol’ Factory Cafe
Ol’ Factory Cafe is now the hottest place in Monterey for cool Beer & Wine selections Grapelive hand-picked a few wines for their by the glass list including: Martin Alfaro…
Grapelive Reviews Sept. 2007
2005 Alfaro Family Vineyards Pinot Noir Lindsay-Page Vineyard, Santa Cruz Mountains Wildly ripe on the nose with fresh flowers and boysenberry syrup leading to a refined and creamy palate, with…